Sunday, February 11, 2007

Top Design on-line challenge

I'm done!
here's the shirt prior to cutting it up:

here is the shirt in its new life:

i even used the button-strip placket thing on the front of the shirt as the closure for the pillow instert (here's the back)

I submitted it to the site, I guess now i wait and see if they choose it to even show. I imagine they'll get a lot of submissions.


Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! Have you noticed that they're giving them a seamstress and a carpenter for each challenge? Cheaters.

You would totally win this show.

igotmoxie said...

i did see they have a seamstress and carpenter!
i say no fair!
half the fun of project runway is watching them work and then judging their craftsmanship.
i bet my pillow won't make it to the website 'cuz it's not very "zainey". but i wanted it to be more functional than art.